Home Tarot Find Your Tarot Birth Card by Date of Birth

Find Your Tarot Birth Card by Date of Birth

08 Dec, 2023 by Snehil

Find Your Tarot Birth Card by Date of Birth

08 Dec, 2023 by Snehil

You may be familiar with star signs and astrology, but did you know that, depending on your birthdate, tarot cards can also disclose important details and secrets about your life? Tarot birth cards reveal your deepest desires as well as the path you are meant to take in this lifetime.

You can find out what your soul's true purpose is and what your destiny is in this lifetime by learning the tarot birth card meaning. Birthday tarot cards are based on the Fool's journey, and they reveal which stage of that journey your soul is currently experiencing in this life. Knowing the meaning of your tarot birth card combination can assist you in recognizing and utilizing your strongest features and personality traits.

Additionally, birth cards represent our potential and the attributes we can use to carry out our spiritual mission in this lifetime. They depict, with remarkable accuracy and depth, the positives, negatives, and major themes of an entire lifetime. The Tarot cards can be very useful allies if you sit with their lessons and embrace their wisdom. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the tarot birth card meaning.

What is a Tarot birth card?

Depending on your birthdate, a Tarot card has a particular meaning for you. It shows the most important lessons you still have to learn in life and reflects a significant portion of your journey. For instance, you probably have a lot to learn about the benefits of solitude if The Hermit is one of your birth cards. If your birth card is Strength, your main goal in life might be to become vulnerable.

No card is superior to another in terms of positivity or negativity. Every one of them is unique in their beauty and genius. The Major Arcana in a conventional Tarot deck contains the most influential cards. These cards are commonly referred to as "the Majors" and they symbolize significant junctures and prevailing forces.

The Majors, which range in number from 0 to 21, have numerous levels of interpretation to delve into. You can determine which ones contain the most significant messages for you by using a tarot birth card calculator or doing some basic math with your birthday. The majority of people only have two Tarot birth cards, but some people have three. Regardless of the exact cards you draw, they add up to offer insightful details about your abilities, obstacles, and life path.

The Tarot birth card calculator divides your date of birth into a string of two-digit figures, which it then sums. Another popular technique involves adding the date's digits one at a time. There is not always a single correct method for interpreting your tarot birth card meaning. While various tarot readers and experts have their favorite techniques, they all, amazingly, yield the same outcome. Now that you must be wondering about what are my tarot birth cards. Proceed to learn more about these birth cards.

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Find or Calculate Tarot Birth Cards by Date of Birth

Each of us has two (and sometimes three) Tarot birth cards according to our birthdate, which can help us with tarot reading by date of birth.

1. Calculating One Birth Card

To perform free tarot reading by date of birth add the digits to the date of your birth. For instance, if April 7, 1969, is your birthday, then the addition is 7 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 36. Any number greater than 21 needs to be further divided by the sum of the two digits (3 + 6 = 9). Therefore, in this case, card number nine, the Hermit, is the birth card.

2. Calculating Two Birth Cards

For this tarot reading by date of birth you have to add the digits from your birth date, such as DD + MM + 19 + YY, to find your birth cards. (If you were born in 2000, use 20 rather than 19.) For instance, you would add 7 + 4 + 19 + 69 = 99 if your birthday is April 7, 1969. Next, add those two numbers. 9 + 9 = 18, for instance. This gives us the Moon, card number 18, which is the first birth card.

Next, simplify this to a single digit for the second birth card (for example, 1 + 8 = 9), which represents the Hermit (card number 9). If the birthday total equals three digits (for example, 27 + 4 + 19 + 79 = 129), the first two digits (12) are added to the third digit (12 + 9 = 21). Here, the World is the first birth card. The Empress is the second birth card (2 + 1 = 3).

3. Calculating A Personality And Soul Card

Here, the pairs are referred to as personality cards and soul cards rather than birth cards. Although soul cards indicate our ultimate purpose throughout many lifetimes, personality cards represent what we have come here to learn. You can find your personality card by adding the day, month, and year of your birth.

Let us take an example to understand this free tarot reading by date of birth. First, you would add 7 + 4 + 1969 = 1980 if your birthday is April 7, 1969. Next, sum up the numbers: 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18. Thus, the Moon card represents personality. Next, the personality card's digits are added together to create the soul card. For instance, 1 + 8 = 9 (the Hermit). The personality and soul cards are the same if the personality card has only one digit.

If you are looking for what are my tarot birth cards, you can take advantage of the methods mentioned above.

Also know: Reveal Your Tarot Card As Per Your Zodiac Sign

Tarot Birth Card

Interpretations of Your Tarot Birth Cards Combination

You can start interpreting your birth cards and figuring out what role they play in your life once you have calculated them. Start by examining your birth cards after removing them from the deck. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What lessons can I take away from this card?
  2. Which images, colors, features, stories, or symbols appeal to me?
  3. How can I take advantage of all the opportunities this card presents?
  4. What steps can I take to get past the challenges this card represents?
  5. How can I make use of this card's more profound abilities and qualities?

Then, read below for the meanings of your tarot birth card combinations.

Magician (1) And Wheel Of Fortune (10)

Whatever circumstances that life presents to you, you have the ability to use them for the good of both yourself and other people. With the Magician and Wheel of Fortune tarot cards in hand, you can fulfill your deepest aspirations and desires when you adopt the mindset that you are the architect of your own destiny rather than a victim of it.

High Priestess (2) And Justice (11)

You have a gift for analyzing a situation and recognizing its true nature. Rules do not always apply to you. Rather, you possess an intrinsic capacity to look past the surface and ascertain the true nature of events. With a tarot birth card combination of High Priestess and Justice tarot card, you make intuitive decisions when faced with difficult circumstances, following your instincts.

Empress (3) And Hanged Man (12)

These Tarot birth card combinations reveal you as a soulful creative. You have the ability to express yourself creatively, and you do it by standing back and looking at things from a new perspective. Even though you tend to be more quiet and introspective by nature, this opens you up to novel experiences and viewpoints that others may not see.

Emperor (4) And Death (13)

As a change agent, you are here to transform the environment in which you live. You are not afraid to make radical adjustments in order to forge a new direction because you have the ability to recognize when a circumstance or mode of operation no longer benefits you or the larger community. Your role is to reconstruct and establish the groundwork for a fresh beginning.

Hierophant (5) And Temperance (14)

It is a balance that you are here to establish between hierarchy (Hierophant card) and liberty (Temperance tarot card). You recognize the value of creating a framework to direct your thoughts and behaviors. But you also possess the ability to move between using that framework and not using it, depending on the circumstances.

Lovers (6) And Devil (15)

Love is what you are here for—to give, to receive, and to make love. Although you are deeply in love with the universe, you must exercise caution to prevent this love from developing into lust or desire. You have a great deal of passion, which you can channel for the benefit of society as a whole when you use your highest moral standards and values when making decisions.

Chariot (7) And Tower (16)

You are here on Earth to shake things up, to disrupt the status quo, and to tear down any obstacles that get in our way. You have a reputation for being frank, resolute, and unapologetically honest. Nothing will stop you on your path! You are a formidable force that has the ability to change the game.

Strength (8) And Star (17)

You have come into this world to make a difference by shining your bright light and inspiring others—as well as yourself—with hope, faith, and strength. In addition to following your own soul's journey, you are encouraging others to discover their own route. You have the ability to heal and uplift many people with this tarot birth card combination of the Strength and the Star tarot cards.

Hermit (9) And Moon (18)

You possess an innate skill and capacity to look "through" things. What is happening behind the scenes is what you are concentrating on rather than what is right in front of you. You have a keen interest in intuition, the subconscious mind, and everything obscure and invisible. You use visualization, spiritual journeying, meditation, and other techniques because you have a strong desire to find your spiritual path.

Magician (1), Wheel Of Fortune (10) And Sun (19)

You are a manifestation expert and a never-ending optimist. You look for the positive side of things and discover joy and positivity in every area of your life. Regardless of what the universe throws at you, you have a gift for making things work out for you.

High Priestess (2) And Judgement (20)

You might occasionally feel like you are not "of this world" if your Tarot birth card combination matches this one. Throughout your lifetime, you exist somewhere between the spirit and the material worlds, suspended in a state of consciousness. If you are guided by your spirit guides or have communication with the deceased, you might feel drawn to the afterlife.

Empress (3) And World (21)

You are here to share your gift; let it blossom and be "born" into this world. By doing this, you will provide your gifts to countless numbers of people who will benefit worldwide. You are here to assist people in making incredible life changes and accomplishments.

Emperor (4) And Fool (22/0)

You are full of joy, have a wonderful sense of humor, and are aware of life's irresponsibility. But do not take yourself too seriously; you are a born leader. Your purpose in being here is to instruct others on how to be positive role models. It is possible to take inspired actions that lead to successful outcomes by combining logic and intuition.

Also know: Free Twin Flame Tarot Card Reading Online

Key Takeaway

Discovering your tarot birth cards and understanding their meanings can provide valuable insights into your life's purpose and journey. By understanding the lessons and themes that each card represents, you can unlock your potential and make the most of your unique strengths and personality traits.

Whether you use a tarot birth card calculator or calculate your cards manually, the process of discovering your birth cards can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. So, take the time to explore your tarot birth card meaning and see what secrets and revelations await you on your journey.

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