Home Astrology Vargottama Planets in Astrology: Meaning & Effect on Our Life

Vargottama Planets in Astrology: Meaning & Effect on Our Life

30 Apr, 2024 by Snehil

Vargottama Planets in Astrology: Meaning & Effect on Our Life

30 Apr, 2024 by Snehil

Astrology is a fascinating realm, providing insight into various facets of our lives. In this ancient Indian astrological system, "Vargottama" offers a distinctive viewpoint on celestial influence. The Vargottama planets in astrology refer to planets that are in the same sign in both the divisional charts (Varga) and natal charts (Rasi). According to astrology, the Vargottama planets suggest that, under certain circumstances, the universe may have a bigger influence on your life. 

This alignment is similar to the meeting point of two rivers, where the combined flow generates a powerful, discernible force. In the case of Vargottama, it is believed that a planet's energies are amplified in an individual's life when it is in the same sign in both the Rasi and Varga charts. Since you are only familiar with the primary nine planets in Vedic astrology, you may be curious about how this planet came to be. 

Simply put, a Vargottama planet is determined by its position in the birth chart, or Navamsa chart. It is not a planet in the conventional sense of Vedic astrology and is not counted among the nine planets. This will help you understand the Vargottama planets better. So, continue reading to know exactly what vargottama planets in astrology are.

What is Vargottama Planet in Astrology? 

In astrology, the Vargottama planet is named after its exceptional and singular planetary alignment, which significantly influences people's lives. The Sanskrit terms Varga and Ottama have been combined to form the meaning of Vargottama. Varga denotes a divisional chart, used to forecast the relative strengths and weaknesses of the planets in your birth chart. On the other hand, otama denotes the state of perfection and purity.

To put it another way, Vargottama planets in astrology appear in the same sign both in the birth chart (D1 chart) and the navamsa chart (D9 chart). This particular planetary alignment in astrology is highly auspicious and has a significant impact on people's lives. However, depending on the particular planet and where it is in the Navamsa and birth charts, the Vargottama planet can have both positive and negative effects. The favorable Vargottama planet benefits your relationships, profession, and spiritual health. 

It provides stability, helps you maintain good health, and enables you to bolster your willpower. Furthermore, as we have already stated, Vargottama Planet's effects, both good and bad, are dependent upon the two variables that must be taken into account. On the other hand, adverse outcomes may ensue if this is not the case. Hence, as we previously stated, a planet must be in the same zodiac sign in both the Navamsa and birth charts for it to form a Vargottama planet in houses and your birth chart. 

A negative outcome could arise from a Mahadasha formed by a planet in a sign that is not occupied by another planet. The placement of planets in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in the D1 and D9 charts, even though they share the same zodiac sign, can present significant difficulties and obstacles in life. The reason for this unfavorable outcome is that these three houses—referred to as the Dusthana House—are not at all regarded as favorable houses in Vargottama planet.

The Significance of Vargottama Planets in Astrology

Astrologers examine the positions and effects of Vargottama planets in a person's birth chart in great detail to offer insightful analysis on a range of life topics. These vargottama planets in houses and signs can provide important insights into an individual's character, abilities, difficulties, and future events. To better understand the significance of Vargottama planets in astrology, let’s take a closer look at how they affect the interpretation of each planet.

Sun (Surya):

A Vargottama Sun denotes improved self-expression abilities, a strong sense of self, and leadership skills. It may be a sign of achievement in occupations involving creativity, authority, or public recognition.

Moon (Chandra):

The Vargottama Moon is associated with deep emotional connection, strong intuition, and elevated emotional sensitivity. It can improve the capacity for creativity, nurturing traits, and deep interpersonal relationships.

Mars (Mangal):

A Vargottama Mars denotes heightened ambition, vigor, and assertiveness. It strengthens bravery, tenacity, and the capacity for swift decision-making. It can help one succeed in physically demanding or competitive fields.

Mercury (Budha):

A vargottama Mercury denotes improved mental agility, communication abilities, and intelligence. It encourages flexibility, analytical skills, and rapid thinking. Success in industries like writing, education, and business can be facilitated by Mercury Vargottama Planet in houses.

Also know: Planet Rahu Effects in Various Houses and Remedies

Jupiter (Guru):

A vargottama Jupiter denotes an elevated level of understanding, discernment, and spiritual bent. It denotes kindness, a strong moral compass, and the capacity to encourage and uplift people. It can help someone succeed in leadership, counseling, or teaching positions.

Venus (Shukra):

A vargottama Venus represents a deep appreciation for harmony and beauty, as well as improved creative sensibilities and inventiveness. It can help people succeed in relationships, artistic endeavors, and careers in diplomacy or the arts.

Saturn (Shani):

A vargottama Saturn denotes greater responsibility, discipline, and the capacity to persevere in the face of adversity. It encourages perseverance, a strong work ethic, and the possibility of success in careers that call for long-term commitment and planning.


A vargottama Rahu denotes heightened aspirations, a drive for material experiences, and increased desires. It can improve creativity, flexibility, and the likelihood of success in atypical fields or endeavors.


A Vargottama Ketu signifies a strong sense of inner wisdom, detachment, and elevated spiritual inclination. It encourages mystical encounters, intuitive understanding, and the capacity to rise above constraints in order to advance spiritually.

vargottama planets

Challenges and Remedies for the Vargottama Planet in houses

Vargottama Rasi is usually regarded as auspicious, but there may be difficulties. Vargottama planets in astrology can become more and more dominant, causing instability in a person's life. For instance, a Vargottama Sun can make someone very egocentric or aggressive, and a Vargottama Saturn can cause someone to focus excessively on their caregivers at the expense of their own lives.

Vedic astrological rituals can be employed to mitigate such challenges. In order to placate and balance the influence of particular planets, these rituals may involve the use of prayers, shrines, and other practices. Here are some remedies that you can use:

  1. The Sun and Venus are the two primary planets of D9. Since Venus is associated with relationships and the Sun is the natural symbol of the soul, D9 may demonstrate that. For these planets, chanting mantras and other remedies works as well.
  2. Determine which planets are Vargottamas and perform the mantra remedy.
  3. Chant Namah Shivaya as you offer up prayers to Lord Shiva.
  4. Finding the ista devata is the best option. Make an ascendant with the Atma Karaka in D9 to observe planets, or the Lord may reveal the Ista Devata. Assume the sun is Atmakaraka and that it is in Sagattarius in d9. Scorpio is the 12th house, and Mars is the lord. Therefore, ask Karthikeya to begin hearing and reciting mantras, particularly on a diety day like this Tuesday.
  5. Giving to the Varogttma planet—for example, if Saturn is Varogttma—will help you alleviate others' suffering and bring you clarity. You can also try donating to organizations that support the disabled, etc.

Also know: How Planets Affect Our Lives in Vedic Astrology


In astrology, the alignment of the Vargottama planet in houses signifies that its energy is well-integrated and in harmony with the life path and purpose of the individual. It can result in favorable events, favorable outcomes, and a stronger bond with the attributes the planet represents.

It is crucial to remember that the birth chart's overall dynamics, other planetary placements, and other aspects should all be taken into account when evaluating the impact of vargottama planets. Even though vargottama planets in astrology can be beneficial, all planetary influences and their interactions should be considered when analyzing the birth chart as a whole.

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