Home Vastu Best Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu

Best Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu

03 Apr, 2024 by Parita Soni

Best Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu

03 Apr, 2024 by Parita Soni

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker.

We all know sound sleep is vital for a healthy mind and body. Adhering to the principles of Vastu Shastra to determine the sleeping direction enhances our mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. Hence, considering the sleeping direction, as per Vastu, becomes essential. 

In this blog, we shall learn everything about the sleeping direction Vastu, including the importance of Vastu Shastra, the best and worst directions to sleep, the importance of good sleep, tips, quick facts, and more. So, let us deep dive and learn about all of it. 

Importance of Vastu Shastra in Determining Sleep

Vastu Shastra plays a vital role in determining sleep habits and patterns, as it focuses on the alignment with cosmic energies, enhancing the emotional, mental, and physical health of the individuals, optimizing the flow of energy, preventing unfavorable impacts due to negative sleep positions, as well as harmonizing the relationship of individuals by enhanced communication, understanding, and balance. By considering the balance of the five elements of Vastu Shastra in their sleep routine, individuals can boost their sleep quality and experience overall well-being of mind, body, and soul. 

Sleeping Direction: Scientific Perspectives 

While Vastu Shastra focuses on the importance of sleeping direction, modern science also presents wisdom on the probable impact of sleep on the overall health of individuals. Researchers have concluded that the magnetic field of the Earth might impact the biological process of individuals, including their sleep cycles. However, the preferences and comfort of individuals play a vital role in determining the ideal sleeping direction, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach as per the scientific study.

Sleeping Direction as per Vastu: North

In Vastu Shastra, sleeping with the head in the North is not encouraged due to its linkage with the magnetic field of the Earth. This direction to sleep, as per Vastu, might disrupt the magnetic alignment of the body, leading to restless sleep routines and health issues over time. 

Sleeping Direction as per Vastu: East

One of the best directions to sleep, according to Vastu Shastra, is the east. Keeping the head in the east direction helps individuals wake up recharged and energized, boosting their overall health, energy, and spiritual growth. As the east direction is associated with the rising sun, it symbolizes new beginnings, positivity, and renewal, making it ideal for cozy sleep and well-being.

Sleeping Direction as per Vastu: West

Sleeping with the head in the west direction is a neutral sleeping side, as per Vastu, with no substantial advantages or disadvantages. Though individuals might not fetch similar benefits as the East, it is admissible and provides them peace and emotional harmony. 

Sleeping Direction as per Vastu: South

South is considered the best direction to sleep, according to Vastu, as it ensures longevity, stability, and strength. Sleeping with the head in this direction aligns with the magnetic field of the Earth and brings comfortable sleep, ease, and overall well-being to individuals.

Sleeping Direction as per Vastu: Diagonal

Setting the bed in diagonal directions, such as the southwest or southeast corner of the bedroom, offers balance and stability. These directions to sleep, as per Vastu, help favorable energies, fostering harmonious sleep, as well as overall prosperity. However, it is essential to consider the alignment of the bed with the room layout so that it does not block the energy flow in that space.

Side Effects of Negative Sleeping Positions

We have realized the importance of Vastu Shastra in determining the correct sleeping positions. But do you know sleeping in a negative position, such as by keeping the head facing the south or feet towards the door, might adversely impact the mental as well as physical health of individuals? It is because these positions hinder the flow of natural energy in the bedroom, leading to disturbed sleep due to nightmares or health problems. Hence, it is suggested to avoid these directions to sleep and make the required arrangements for the same. 

Bamboo Plant in Vastu

Sleeping Direction Vastu: Useful Tips

Let us learn about some useful tips to optimize your sleep surroundings and facilitate restful sleep-

  • Have a uniform sleep schedule and try not to change bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, to control the internal clock of the body, fostering better sleep.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, as it can disrupt sleep patterns. 
  • Limit your nap time during the day.
  • Keep the room clean and clutter-free to create a peaceful environment. 
  • Opt for a comfy bedding that supports your body.
  • Use curtains to blackout or block external lights entering the room.
  • Have a comfortable room temperature to promote deep sleep. 
  • Avoid using electronic devices, as the emitted blue light interrupts the production of melatonin and disrupts sleep.
  • Establish a cozy bedtime routine that helps the body understand the time to sleep by including activities such as meditation, reading, or stretching.

best vastu direction for sleeping

Sleeping Direction Vastu: Quick Facts

Let us summarize the facts about sleeping direction as per Vastu Shastra. You can indulge in free Vastu consultation online in case of any queries.

  • Though the North is associated with wealth and prosperity, it is not considered a good direction to sleep, as per Vastu, as it may present potential health concerns.
  • East is an ideal direction to sleep, as per Vastu, because it promotes energy, spirituality, and health.
  • West is a neutral direction of sleeping, as it presents emotional balance and stability. However, it is not as good a direction to sleep as per Vastu, in comparison to the South and East.
  • South is considered the best direction to sleep, according to Vastu, as it ensures strength, stability, and longevity. 
  • The recommended color schemes for the bedroom are - Green and yellow for those with Vata dosha, blue and green for Pitta dosha, and red and violet for Kapha dosha.
  • Setting the bed diagonally, such as in the southwest or southeast corner of the room, can present advantageous energies for harmonious sleep.
  • Avoid negative sleeping positions like feet facing the door or head facing north to avoid any disturbances in energy flow and probable health issues.
  • Keep in mind personal comfort and preferences, too, while choosing the sleeping side, as per Vastu.
  • A harmonious sleep surrounding enhances sleep quality, energy levels, and overall well-being of individuals.
A Guide to Install Mirrors According to Vastu Shastra

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Which is the Best Sleeping Direction, as per Vastu Shastra?

Ans. The best direction to sleep, as per Vastu, is towards the south.

Q.2 Why is east a good direction to sleep, as per Vastu?

Ans. East is considered among the best sleeping side, as per Vastu, as it aligns with the natural flow of energy and boosts energy, health, and spiritual growth.

Q.3 Why south is the best direction to sleep, according to Vastu?

Ans. South is considered the best direction for sleeping Vastu as it confirms stability, longevity, and strength.

Q.4 Is the west a good direction to sleep, as per Vastu?

Ans. The West sleeping side, as per Vastu, is acceptable as it provides stability and emotional balance.

Q.5 Why do you need a good sleep?

Ans. Good sleep is necessary for physical and mental well-being, including better understanding, mood regulation, and overall health.

Q.6 Why should you follow sleeping directions, Vastu?

Ans. Adhering to the direction to sleep as per Vastu principles helps form a harmonious atmosphere that supports comfy sleep and overall well-being.

Q.7 Why should you sleep in the right direction?

Ans. The right direction for sleeping, according to Vastu, ensures alignment with heavenly energies and fosters balance and harmony.

Q.8 Which is the best sleeping side, as per Vastu, to keep our heads?

Ans. It is suggested to keep our heads in the south direction while sleeping for longevity, stability, and strength.

Q.10 Why is it unlucky if your feet face the door while sleeping?

Ans. It is considered so as it symbolizes the release of life energy while making the potential negative marks enter the space.

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