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Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Swords tarot card represents restricted thoughts, mindsets, and beliefs that stop you from moving forward. This card shows that you may be repeating a cycle over and over or trapped in a rut. Moreover, the 8 of Swords tarot card depicts seemingly insurmountable obstacles in your life. However, the card also gives hope of a way out. 

You may receive this card in your reading when you are stuck in some phase of your life, and the divine wants to convey a message to help you move ahead. So, let us decode the divine’s message in this comprehensive 8 of Swords tarot guide. 

The Eight of Swords Key Facts 

Below are some facts and important terms associated with the 8 of Swords tarot card. 

Eight of Swords Upright Meaning: Restricted, feeling trapped, forced into a corner, anxious, fearful, victimized, powerless, feeling pressure, helpless, hopeless, silenced, crisis, imprisonment, drama, slavery, punishment, judgment, persecution, dilemma, powerless, silenced, consequences, trial by jury, extreme weight-loss, psychological issues, negative attitudes, difficulty, and emergency 

Eight of Swords Reversed Meaning: Freedom, escape, finding options/solutions, release, taking control, relief, self-belief, standing up to abuse, survivor, hopeful, facing truth/fears, releasing anxiety, mental strength, healing, overcoming obstacles, a clear mind, release from prison, severe depression, end of punishment, surrender, oppression, paralysis, empowered, and overcoming anxiousness 

Yes or No No
Element Air
Numerology 8
Planet Mercury 
Zodiac Sign Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
eight of swords tarot card

Eight of Swords Description 

The 8 of Swords tarot card depicts a woman blindfolded with a bandage and surrounded by eight daggers. Moreover, the woman’s arms are tied behind her with the same bandage, blinding her. 

The swords around the woman look like a prison, but the lady has enough space in the front to escape. However, she seems too focused on the painful agony of the past. Hence, the cause of this misery is not visible to her. 

Through the Eight of Swords tarot card, the divine wants to convey that you cannot leave behind past trauma unless you look forward. A few bumps and bruises may come your way. However, the ultimate result will be worth all the suffering. Moreover, not stepping forward will only increase the pain you are already experiencing.

Eight of Swords Meaning (Upright)

The upright Eight of Swords meaning here that it is restricted and trapped by circumstances. You feel there are limited options and no clearly visible path. Moreover, the card shows that you may be involved in an abusive relationship, an unrewarding job, huge debt, or a situation not in alignment with your soul. It feels like there is no solution available. 

However, like the woman in the 8 of Swords tarot card, you only need to remove the blindfold that prevents you from looking ahead. Moreover, the Eight of Swords tarot appears in an upright form to warn you against your beliefs and thoughts that do not serve you anymore. You may overthink things, create negative cycles, or restrict yourself by only imagining the worst possible situation. 

The card shows that the more you wonder about a situation, the more you get restricted with no options. Hence, the 8 of Swords tarot guides you to release to the universe the beliefs and thoughts that limit you. Changing your thoughts will transform your reality. Moreover, positive thoughts bring positivity to your life. 

There is a way to solve your problems, and you only need to change your outlook if an upright Eight of Swords tarot card appears in your reading. The card hints at the availability of all the necessary resources to overcome the challenges. You only need to utilize these resources correctly. 

eight of swords tarot card upright

Moreover, the victim mindset is yet another upright 8 of Swords tarot meaning. It appears as if an external force is keeping you limited and trapped in some way, and you have surrendered all your powers to it. You may feel like a sufferer, suffering without any fault of your own. 

However, this victim mentality is not doing anything good in your life. Hence, you should reclaim your power, take responsibility for your actions, and look at the available options. 

Lastly, the Eight of Swords tarot card also reflects confusion about whether you should stay or move ahead. The situation is very unclear, making it difficult to make a decision. Moreover, you fear that all the available options will have unfavorable consequences. Hence, you stay stuck in the current situation. 

Through this card, the universe advises you to drop all negative thoughts, listen to your intuition, and follow your soul’s guidance. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Love and Relationship (Upright)

You may be feeling lost in your connection if you receive an upright 8 of Swords love tarot spread. Having a strong association with the planet Jupiter in the zodiac Gemini, this card reflects cerebral and philosophical energy. Your self-limiting mindset may be making you feel stuck. You should remember that it is good to have big dreams, but the person you are in a relationship with is also a human. 

Moreover, since Gemini is a very social media-centric zodiac sign, you should not base your relationship standards on online trends. Furthermore, the Eight of Swords tarot card hints at self-entrapment. You can walk away from the relationship if you do not feel comfortable staying in it. However, you choose to stay because you feel it is your comfort zone, which you cannot leave. 

Additionally, you and your partner may be in denial about addressing the issues in your relationship if you get an upright 8 of Swords tarot card. It appears that both of you feel that nothing can be done about the problems in your relationship. Hence, you refuse to make an effort to solve them. However, you can still take control of your connection with your partner. 

Moreover, self-sabotaging is visible for those in a new relationship. The Eight of Swords tarot card meaning for you is to reflect on your past relationships. You should look back on your past and answer questions, such as whether you were made to feel as if you were the wrong person in your last relationship and do you think you are not worth a beautiful relationship. 

For those thinking about a potential relationship, the card shows missing opportunities due to your self-limiting thoughts. You should remember that no one is perfect and stop demanding perfection from your partner and yourself. Moreover, the card indicates shyness. You or your partner may be too shy to take the relationship to the next level. 

The 8 of Swords tarot shows that you and your partner are stuck if you are in separation from one another. You know what action to take but are not taking it. Moreover, your ex-partner may be in denial about your split or their role in the breakup if you are thinking about reconciliation with them. The card suggests you should not give this person another chance unless they have a clear view of the situation and accept it. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Career (Upright)

An upright 8 of Swords indicates that you may be feeling constrained at your workplace or current career position. However, the ultimate control of your destiny is in your hands, even if you are feeling lost, helpless, or unable to deal with current circumstances. You can change your situation if you do not like it. 

Moreover, the Eight of Swords tarot card in a professional reading shows that your career does not meet your expectations. However, you cannot quit the job, as it is currently your means of survival. 

It appears that there are no other work opportunities or occupations available for you at this time. You need to attain more qualifications and pursue higher education if you wish to change jobs. However, doing so is not possible without stable earnings. 

However, the Eight of Swords meaning here is that you should be imaginative and creative to open the roads of professional fulfillment for you. Anxiety can make you think there are not enough options available. The card suggests you seek help, evaluate your budget, make your hobby your profession, or go for a reliable student loan to brighten your career prospects. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Health (Upright)

Healthwise, an upright 8 of Swords tarot card is both positive and negative. It is a good omen for those trying to lose weight, as it indicates significant weight loss. However, the card also denotes mental health and anxiety issues, such as agoraphobia, panic attacks, melancholy, and PTSD. 

Moreover, the Eight of Swords tarot card is known to represent blindness and vision problems as well. You may feel like all the problems surround you. However, family or a friend with whom you can discuss your health concerns can help you move past this situation. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Finance (Upright)

Financially, the 8 of Swords card in its upright position shows that you feel confined by your current financial situation. However, it is a result of your worries and overthinking and not the real situation. Out-of-the-box and creative thinking will help you increase your income. Moreover, there are many ways to achieve your financial goals despite all your fear and anxiety. 

Furthermore, the Eight of Swords tarot card suggests altering your spending habits or avoiding debt accumulation. Additionally, you can increase your income through jobs such as tutoring, babysitting, and taking care of the yard. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Spirituality (Upright)

Spiritually, the 8 of Swords tarot guides you to avoid being restricted. You should not allow yourself to be confined. Though you may feel helpless and bound to a particular religion, spiritual path, or life as a whole, this is only your perception. The power to change your direction at any time is in your hands. 

Eight of Swords Meaning (Reversed)

The 8 of Swords tarot card in reversed form indicates that limiting self-beliefs stop you from moving ahead. You may feed your mind thoughts such as you do not deserve wealth, stopping yourself from enjoying financial abundance even when it is available. The universe wants you to understand that your negative beliefs are blocking you from achieving your goals. Hence, you should change your thoughts and break the negative thought cycle. 

Moreover, the Eight of Swords tarot card shows that your negative self-talk and inner critic make you suffer a lot. Whenever you try doing something, your inner critic tells you why you should not do it, making you feel trapped. Furthermore, the card suggests you break free from old behavior patterns and belief systems that are blocking your way to success. 

On a positive note, the reversed 8 of Swords denotes that you are letting go of negative behavior patterns and belief systems. You are open to changes and accept yourself the way you are. Moreover, you no longer wish to play the victim. Instead of playing the victim, you are taking responsibility for your life, reflecting on your past actions, and changing your approach to the future. 

eight of swords tarot card reversed

Eight of Swords Meaning for Love and Relationship (Reversed)

The reversed 8 of Swords tarot card shows accepting reality if you are in a relationship. Accepting the truth feels like freeing yourself from a confining situation. Moreover, you no longer feel powerless and know that you have choices. Something may not be in your control, and you may have limited choices. 

However, you can choose the most favorable course of action. You can choose to stay in the relationship or walk away from it. The choice is difficult, but you can make the best decision for yourself. 

Moreover, the reversed Eight of Swords love tarot spread shows that now you are courageous enough to have a difficult conversation with your partner. You are now ready to address the issues you have been ignoring for so long. 

Furthermore, you are no longer your worst enemy if you are in a new relationship. The reversed 8 of Swords denotes that now you are vulnerable and open in this connection. Additionally, your person values this vulnerability and openness. 

For those thinking about a potential relationship, the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card shows that you will benefit from believing in your partner and yourself. Moreover, you or your partner have healed your self-sabotaging part. You no longer have low self-esteem and questions about whether or not you deserve to be loved. 

Furthermore, those in separation finally have the courage to move forward. Additionally, your ex-partner no longer denies whatever happened in your relationship if you are thinking about reconciliation. However, whether they will reconcile or not depends on whether they think the connection is salvageable. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Career (Reversed)

Tension, fear, and anxiety towards work may no longer be on your mind if a reversed Eight of Swords tarot card appears in your reading. The card shows that you have bid adieu to a career path or profession that restricted your choices or made you feel constricted. 

Alternatively, the 8 of Swords tarot in reverse may mean that an already stressful vocation has become more burdensome. The card shows you can leave the job if it makes you feel miserable. 

All in all, it is a positive card, suggesting that your workplace worries are over. You can now relax. Sometimes, this card hints at a career opportunity or position that can help you reach your maximum potential. Though the reverse can also happen if you are not careful. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Health (Reversed)

The reversed 8 of Swords tarot card is a mixed sign for health. On the one hand, it is a positive omen as it indicates victory against anxiety and mental health disorders, such as panic attacks. On the other hand, it denotes extreme depression and thoughts such as suicide is the best solution to all your problems. 

Through the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card, the universe wants to remind you that there are many better ways to solve your problems. You should consult a mental health expert or talk to your family/close friends about your issues if you are depressed or suicidal. 

Moreover, you should pay heed to any symptoms of bad health you may be having. However, do not attempt to treat them yourself. You should consult a qualified medical practitioner and calmly assess and analyze yourself. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Finance (Reversed)

Financially, the reversed 8 of Swords tarot is a positive omen. It shows that you have left behind your fears or money problems and are doing much better when it comes to finances. 

Moreover, the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card suggests you should save money for a rainy day if you are doing well financially. Furthermore, this card hints at decreasing or increasing financial anxieties. 

It reveals that either your anxieties have become worse, or you may finally see all the available options. However, you must deal with these anxieties before they deteriorate your mental health. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Spirituality (Reversed)

Spiritually, the reversed 8 of Swords tarot card is a good sign. It indicates that you will feel empowered, free to explore your spiritual side, and hopeful if this card appears in your tarot reading. 

Eight of Swords Tarot Card: Yes or No?

A one-card pull is a great way to solve any dilemma. In this method of making tarot predictions, the expert card reader shuffles all the cards and picks one card from the shuffled deck. Based on the surrounding energies and the card’s position, the experts answer your yes or no questions. The following is a yes/no answer for an upright and reversed Eight of Swords tarot card. 

Upright: An upright 8 of Swords tarot is a card of feeling confined and hesitant. It suggests you should reclaim your confidence and power before making significant changes. Thus, it answers your question with a "No". 

Reversed: The reversed Eight of Swords indicates that you are all set to face all the challenges. Hence, it answers your question with a "Yes". 

Eight of Swords Meaning in Numerology 

Numerologically, the 8 of Swords tarot card is related to the planet Mercury and the intellect’s power. Moreover, a cube has 8 points, symbolizing the sum of a human’s experience and knowledge. 

Furthermore, the number 8 is related to the planet Saturn in his role as a great initiator. It appeared in your reading to tell you that you have not seen many things yet. 

Eight of Swords Meaning for Timing 

You can expect the desired event to occur sometime in the next few hours or days. Since the element Air denotes rapid movement, your desires will come true, but it will take time. 

The desires can turn into reality during the Gemini, Aquarius, or Libra seasons. When calculated in months, the timing of the desired event can be on or around a month’s 8th, 17th, or 26th. 

Moreover, you should know that you will get everything you want, even if it does not last long. Moreover, you should think a second later when calculating time with the Swords tarot cards. 

It was all for our 8 of Swords tarot guide. We hope it helps you understand your tarot card reading and make the correct decisions. However, you can contact our tarot experts anytime if you have any questions or need help with any aspect of your life. Our tarot professionals will be pleased to support you.