The Seven of Cups tarot card meaning is choices. This card appears in your reading when multiple routes are open to you. However, you need to decide which path to take in your life. When you get the 7 of Cups tarot spread, you may be in a situation where you may need to choose between various available courses of action.
However, you should be very careful in making a choice. Some options may lead you to victory, while others may not be fruitful. Moreover, besides the cups holding various possibilities and curses, the card also has clouds, representing daydreams and fantasies.
Though a minor arcana card, it may have long-term implications as the present choices shape your future. Hence, you should understand the 7 of Cups tarot guide to make the correct choice according to your specific situation.
Below are some important facts and information related to the 7 of Cups tarot card.
Seven of Cups Upright Meaning: Many options, choices, a lot of possibilities, procrastination, decisions, picking and choosing, illusion, fantasy, dreaming, imagination, meditation, wishful thinking, opportunities, and hallucinations
Seven of Cups Reversed Meaning: Poor choices, reality, sobriety, clarity, lack of choice, no spiritual growth, opportunities or options, avoiding problems, feeling trapped, being superficial or materialistic, missed opportunities, reality check, and decisiveness
Yes or No | Maybe |
Element | Water |
Numerology | 7 |
Planet | Neptune |
Zodiac Sign | Pisces |
The 7 of Cups tarot card shows a man staring at seven cups filled with gifts. Some of these cups are truly a gift everyone craves, like jewels, victory, and wealth. Whereas, the other cups have curses, like a dragon or snake, wrapped as a gift.
These cups of gifts and curses are surrounded by clouds. These are the clouds of the person’s fantasies, desires, dreams, and wishes. The card depicts a real-life situation where we have lots of opportunities before us, but we miss out on them or end up making incorrect choices, blinded by our wishful thinking.
Another Seven of Cups tarot card meaning is that not everything we desire is best for us. They are just like a rose that looks beautiful from far, however, its thorn injures us badly if we get closer to it. Often, the materialistic tendencies of the world block our vision. Our wish to possess worldly pleasures makes us choose the wrong cup, i.e., an incorrect course of action. Hence, we should be satisfied with all that the universe has showered upon us.
Human desires are endless. Hence, we should look for only what we actually need, as running behind materialistic or unnecessary desires invites more sorrow.
When you pull an upright 7 of Cups tarot card, a lot of choices and opportunities may be ahead of you. However, our unrealistic expectations and desires surround these opportunities. As they say, the grass always looks greener on the other side. These choices appear fascinating and beneficial, and a gateway to being wealthy and powerful until you actually embark on that path.
Once you choose a course of action out of your unrealistic fascination for a better future, you realize that it does not lead you to the desired destination. The reality hits you, making you understand that you have not made the right choice that aligns with your objectives.
In another interpretation, an upright Seven of Cups tarot spread also represents a human’s wishful thinking. It means that you often think and daydream about achieving your objectives, but do not take appropriate action to reach them. For example, you may dream about clearing an examination with flying colors, however, you don’t do what it takes to clear it, i.e., study hard.
All in all, the card urges you to be realistic about your desires, focus on the opportunities rather than being overwhelmed by them, and evaluate all available options rationally. It also requests that you have a pragmatic approach toward life and not be blinded by materialistic illusions.
When you pull an upright 7 of Cups tarot card, a lot of choices and opportunities may be ahead of you. However, our unrealistic expectations and desires surround these opportunities. As they say, the grass always looks greener on the other side. These choices appear fascinating and beneficial, and a gateway to being wealthy and powerful until you actually embark on that path.
Once you choose a course of action out of your unrealistic fascination for a better future, you realize that it does not lead you to the desired destination. The reality hits you, making you understand that you have not made the right choice that aligns with your objectives.
In another interpretation, an upright Seven of Cups tarot spread also represents a human’s wishful thinking. It means that you often think and daydream about achieving your objectives, but do not take appropriate action to reach them. For example, you may dream about clearing an examination with flying colors, however, you don’t do what it takes to clear it, i.e., study hard.
All in all, the card urges you to be realistic about your desires, focus on the opportunities rather than being overwhelmed by them, and evaluate all available options rationally. It also requests that you have a pragmatic approach toward life and not be blinded by materialistic illusions.
The energy of an upright 7 of Cups love spread is both intense and interesting. It has an astrological connection with the planet Venus in Scorpio. Venus, being the love planet, has a beautifying effect on your life. However, since Scorpio and Venus also associate with shared and personal finances, it is wise to not let material things fool you.
The Seven of Cups tarot card meaning here also indicates being overwhelmed by numerous potential partners. You or your current partner may have a lot of choices when it comes to relationships. There may be many probable suitors, often paving the way for overthinking, possessiveness, jealousy, and insecurity in your relationship.
Moreover, an insecure person’s desire to seek external validation may lead to the emergence of third parties, which is undesirable. Hence, you should keep your boundaries intact and, most importantly, feel comfortable the way you are. Also, you can try spending time with your partner and doing all the things you have explored until now to bring back the lost spark in your relationship.
Also, for those in an existing relationship, the card has some indecisive energies. It also reflects that you might be living in a world of fantasies. However, it is not always something you should worry about, as the 7 Cups tarot links to Scorpio, which is associated with physical and emotional intimacy, taboos, and secrets. Hence, the card could simply mean living a fulfilling intimate life with your partner if you are not experiencing any relationship problems. It also means that your partner views you as the love of their life and enjoys being with you.
The card urges you to be a bit more realistic about your situation if you are separated from your partner. Think positively, but do not be wishful in your thinking. The good news is that there are high chances that your separated partner will fantasize about you and want to reconcile with you. Currently, they are evaluating their options and may soon make a decision.
Seven of Cups love spreads show being overwhelmed if you are in a new relationship. Your partner may be a bit different than what you have manifested, giving you an overwhelming feeling.
Moreover, the energies of this card give you a reality check if you are thinking about a potential relationship. It is urging you to decide whether or not your feelings are real toward them, they are what they project themselves to be, and the relationship is feasible for you. Also, this card wants you to look past the illusions of a perfect relationship and put aside that fear of missing out you may have when settling down with one person.
Congratulations on getting an upright 7 of Cups tarot card for your career. It means that the universe has opened a lot of doors for you. There are many career advancement opportunities you can explore.
However, having a lot of opportunities also means getting carried away, spending time only brainstorming, and taking no practical steps to turn your dreams into reality. Thus, you should think about the opportunities and take careful steps to use them to the best of your ability.
The card also urges that you should not jump the gun, and gather all the required information, like the pros and cons of an opportunity and the risks involved, before making a decision.
Things do not appear to be bright if an upright Seven of Cups tarot card appears in your health reading. You may be overstressed by factors beyond your control. It also indicates that an excessive workload is taking a toll on your health.
Hence, you should indulge in a bit more leisure activities, reduce your workload, and give yourself the well-deserved “me-time” to unload all the stress off your mind. You should also be watchful for illness or injuries, start a new health regimen, and consult experts to live a healthy life.
A lot of money-making opportunities are knocking on your door as the upright 7 of Cups appears in your financial reading. Money may come your way from various sources.
However, you should not be in a hurry to make money. You should listen to your instincts and carefully evaluate each investment opportunity to spot red flags. Not all opportunities are as good as they initially appear. Hence, you should make investments very carefully.
The card also suggests you be watchful of how you spend your hard-earned money. You should reconsider your spending habits to save money for the future. It is better to spend money only where necessary and avoid wasting it.
The Seven of Cups tarot card meaning in the spiritual sense is that you are reflecting on your spiritual side, and there are many interesting spiritual practices for you to follow.
Another interpretation of the minor arcana 7 Cups tarot is ignorance of the spiritual gifts. You may not be recognizing and developing them to get the most benefit. Hence, you should pick some spiritual practices, such as meditation, that interest you and then work on them one by one.
A reversed 7 of Cups is a wake-up call from the universe. The supreme energy is urging you to come out of your fantasy world and face reality. This card indicates that now you will be able to choose the right course of action more clearly. After being lost or indecisive for a long time, you will now get the much-needed reality check to move ahead in your life.
The Seven of Cups reversed card shows common sense returning and a cold reality putting an end to your dreams. You have now become wise enough to choose the right path based on your learning from past experiences and by listening to your conscience.
However, 7 of Cups meaning in a reversed sense also indicates the unavailability of enough choices. You may only have limited options to choose from, or you may feel trapped or restricted. On a positive note, fewer options mean less confusion and more clarity.
Hence, you should reduce choices and focus on what is most important. Instead of looking for one big idea, you should pay attention to what is already available. You should carefully consider all available options and then make your choice to move forward. Moreover, the card urges you to sort your priorities to create balance in your life.
Unlike an upright 7 of Cups love spread, a reversed card indicates the shattering of illusions or drowning deeper into delusions. The energy is at its extreme, whatever the case may be. Either you or your partner have come to terms with reality and are ready to move on, or you may find yourself/your partner drowning deeper into the delusional world.
Another reversed Seven of Cups tarot card meaning is that you are trying hard to ignore harsh reality, silence, or neglect your inner voice when it comes to a relationship.
It may be painful to see things without rose-tinted glasses, i.e., in their true reality, if your relationship is on the rocks. However, you have now decided to endure all the pain, accept the real situation, pick up the broken pieces of your heart, heal, and move on. For those thinking of fixing the broken relationship, the card suggests a careful assessment of whether or not it is worth the effort.
Since a reversed 7 of Cups love tarot also indicates a lack of options, you should ask yourself whether or not you are in a relationship for the right reasons. The universe wants you to search your soul for the answers to questions like whether you feel genuine love for your partner or not, or whether finding compatible matches is the reason you are with them. Even if you love your partner genuinely, try to know them deeply so that any harsh truth about them does not escape your eye.
The 7 of Cups reversed tarot card also indicates a breaking or turning point in a relationship. A feeling of delusion may surround you. After spending time with your partner, you may realize that you do not like a few of their traits. At this point, question yourself about whether or not their unlikable aspect is tolerable. You should address it politely if it is something against your principles.
This card also highlights the importance of accepting your partner the way they are and being accepted by them. In case you feel your partner does not understand your worth and fails to accept you wholeheartedly, please respect yourself enough to move out of this relationship. There may be someone waiting to embrace both good and bad in you, someone who will consider you their world, someone who will fill your life with the happiness you deserve.
For those of you who are going through a separation, it is time to look at the situation realistically. You should judge whether or not your goals are realistic and feasible. You cannot be unrealistic when planning your future. Hence, it is a good card for future planning, as it encourages you to think practically.
In cases where the situation involves an ex-partner you wish to reconcile with, it may sound harsh, but that person may have accepted that you are not made for each other. They may not be willing to reconcile unless you convince them that you are a match made in heaven.
If you took the reading to inquire about a potential relationship, the Seven of Cups love spread implies being practical in your approach to the relationship. You should have realistic expectations from your partner. However, do not stop dreaming in an attempt to be practical, as dreams are the only way to manifest the desired future. All in all, balance is the key. You should have a balance of practical, optimistic, and wishful mindset.
A reversed Seven of Cups tarot card may not be a very good omen for your career. You may be feeling stagnant or stuck in your career or may not have enough advancement opportunities if this card appears in your reading.
Also, you may miss out on lucrative career opportunities if you are not vigilant. Hence, you should keep your eyes open to spot new opportunities. However, do not lose heart if you end up missing a chance to boost your career. You can carve your own path to success.
There is also a positive side to a reversed 7 of Cups for those who are waiting to reap the benefits of their hard work and excel in their careers. You will soon get a progressive result if you have worked hard for career advancement.
Additionally, the Seven of Cups tarot, in its reversed state, urges you to stay hopeful despite all odds. It also suggests that you should hone your skills to ensure professional growth.
If reversed, 7 of Cups indicated challenges on the health front. Poor lifestyle decisions like smoking, drinking, binge eating, etc., may affect your health negatively. Hence, you should curb these harmful activities to stay healthy. Moreover, you can consult a health expert if you find it difficult to make healthy choices.
This card also suggests you keep your mental health in check. You should de-stress your mind. Additionally, you should not overburden yourself with your health and fitness regime. The ultimate way to stay physically and emotionally sound is to be relaxed and follow an appropriate health and fitness regime.
When reversed, 7 of Cups' meaning is having a better understanding of your finances. It encourages you to save more and spend less, as you only have limited investment opportunities.
It signals that you will have enough money to prevent a cash crunch in the near future. Moreover, it suggests you should make the best use of your money and time to build and accumulate financial wealth.
A reversed 7 of Cups reflects being over-concerned with materialistic or superficial pleasures and overlooking spiritual well-being. The card suggests that you should focus on your spiritual side to find satisfaction and enlightenment in your life.
A one-card pull, i.e., a straight yes or no answer, is always beneficial to overcome emotional turmoil. The Seven of Cups tarot card meaning in case of a yes/no spread may depend on your energies when asking the question and whether you got an upright or reversed card.
Upright: An upright 7 of Cups tarot card is a "Yes".
Reversed: The reversed Seven of Cups indicates a "No".
The number 7 is related to Venus’s passionate and excitable nature. Whereas in traditional numerology, it is associated with intuitive Neptune. It means that you should have dreams and visions, however, you should not overlook the reality of your life, no matter how harsh it may be.
Getting the 7 Cups tarot energy in a spread to know the timing of an event indicates that the desired event will manifest slowly. However, it will definitely grow inflow since water is a steady yet assertive flowing element.
The event in question may manifest itself around summertime, in the seasons of Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. Counted in months, you can expect the event to happen around a month’s 7th, 16th, or 25th.
So, let us conclude our 7 of Cups tarot guide. We hope that you can now apply the card to your current situation and make the correct decisions. However, you can always contact our experts if you have any queries or need more assistance to deal with your specific problem.
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