Home Zodiac Signs Sister Sign Zodiac - Meaning and Astrology of Sister Signs

Sister Sign Zodiac - Meaning and Astrology of Sister Signs

03 Feb, 2022 by Aditi Gupta

Sister Sign Zodiac - Meaning and Astrology of Sister Signs

03 Feb, 2022 by Aditi Gupta

Do you have an overview of astrology? If you are a little familiar with it then you must be knowing about the 12 signs of the Zodiac. But, have you ever heard about the sister sign zodiac? Well, now you have!

You might not be aware but every Zodiac sign has its sister Zodiac sign. If put astrologically, sisters are pairs of signs which are placed 180 degrees or six signs away from each other in an astrological wheel. These signs are the rulers of opposing houses. 

Have you ever felt so close to someone in your life that you thought of them as your soul-sister? Well, it is believed that Sometimes, the sister sign zodiac is manifested in your actual sibling or friend. Sister signs share some qualities with each other.

What Are Sister Signs Zodiac?

The opposite and exact polarities of signs are called sisters - for example, the first and seventh, the second and eighth, the third and ninth, etc.

Additionally, these signs share the same modality (Cardinal, fixed, or mutable) and elements of astrology viz, air, earth, water, and fire. These signs are likely to go along together really well as they exist in a perfect balance.

Zodiac Sister Signs

The table below shows the Zodiac sister signs 

Aries’ sister sign is


Taurus’ sister sign is


Gemini's sister sign is


Cancer’s sister sign is


Leo’s sister sign is


Virgo’s sister sign is


Libra’s sister sign is


Scorpio’s sister sign is


Sagittarius sister sign is


Capricorn’s sister sign is


Aquarius’s sister sign is


Pisces’ sister sign is


Astrology of Sister Sign Zodiac

Aries And Libra Sister Signs

Aries is ruled by the planet of aggression and action; Mars whereas Libra is ruled by the planet of Love; Venus. These ruling planets in combination make these natives go-getters. However, this sister sign has some different traits. Aries is aggressive and gets into fights anytime while the Libra Zodiac is calm and will avoid conflicts at any cost.

Apart from it, these natives have some things in common which can make them a perfect pair of sister Zodiac signs. Being the initiating cardinal signs, this duo is equally passionate to start with big sweeping projects.

Impulsive Aries can boost the indecisive Libra to quickly come to an end by making wise decisions with their own intuitions and senses. On the other hand, the Calm and peaceful Libra can teach Aries how dealing with kindness rather than aggression can be more effective in handling any worst situation. 

Despite their contradictory personality traits, Aries and Libra somehow work together to create a dynamic, unbeatable, and strong team.

Taurus And Scorpio Sister Zodiac

Being the fixed sign of the Zodiac, Taurus and Scorpio are known as the stubborn signs. These signs refuse to back down and hardly take a stand. They are always committed to making things work and this is the reason why they are a perfect match for each other for any sort of long-term relationship.

Taurus are fun-loving and are always captivated by the beauty of nature and life. They prefer leading a happy and carefree life because they live their every day to the fullest. Although Scorpio also tries to make the most out of their life but with a different perspective. Unlike Taurus, Scorpio believes life is short and one should enjoy every moment but they should also think of the future a bit. 

No matter if these signs have differentiated opinions about life but they both want to make their life worth living and this makes them pair up as Zodiac sisters. However, if you want to know how compatible you two are as a sister sign, you can chat with an astrologer and they will provide you with proper analysis.

Gemini And Sagittarius Zodiac Sisters

  • Gemini: third, mutable-air sign
  • Sagittarius: ninth, mutable-fire sign

Gemini loves to crack the mysteries of life. Their inquisitive nature provokes them to unveil everything by learning more and more about world issues. They love keeping information and knowledge. Even if they end up with a fount of some random facts, they will be happy with it too. 

On the other hand, Sagittarius is all invested in figuring out these random facts of life. They prefer to find answers to many unrevealed questions of life rather than collecting information just for fun.

All in all, Gemini and Aries go well together because they both are curious to gather new information and facts. This makes them visualize things in a new light every time.

Also See: Which Zodiac Sign Is The Prettiest

Cancer and Capricorn Zodiac Sisters

  • Cancer: fourth, cardinal-water sign
  • Capricorn: tenth, cardinal-earth sign

Cancerians are sensitive water signs who are known for their caring and nurturing nature. They have strong nurturing instincts without realization. This intuitive trait of these natives makes them be there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.

Capricorn natives also have a nurturing and caring nature but not for everyone. They are caring only when they have strong feelings for someone otherwise they only feel responsible to take care of others. They can also give you a strong kick-off in order to push you in the right direction. 

No matter these signs have different ways of showing care but one thing is sure they will never let you fall.

Leo and Aquarius Zodiac Sisters

  • Leo: fifth, fixed-fire sign
  • Aquarius: eleventh, fixed-air sign

Leo is ruled by the almighty Sun which makes its natives be part of the spotlight. On the other side, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn which makes their natives intellectual and focused.

The independence of Leo and the tendency to be proud and loud will clash head-on with Aquarius' cool, stoic exterior and dedication to the community. They will however realize that their skills and perspectives complement each other if they work together. They are very alike since they are both stubborn (or fixed) signs who think their way is best.

Also See: What Is The Most Dangerous Zodiac Sign

Virgo and Pisces Zodiac Sisters

  • Virgo: sixth, mutable-earth sign
  • Pisces: twelfth, mutable-water sign

Being realistic allows Virgos to value honesty and authenticity. Facts and truth are the basis of their whole lives, so it's critical for them to keep digging until they find what's real. Their level-headedness and intelligence are also strengths.

Pisces has more of a dreamy nature than their Virgo sister sign. They are likely to be far from grounded in reality. Their ability to see things differently than Virgo makes them the perfect partner, despite the fact they are more of an otherworldly type.

Virgo and Pisces Zodiac sisters share a unique bond. Their open-mindedness enables them to have a free flow conversation with one another. If you want to know your bond with your Zodiac sister, you can talk to an astrologer anytime.

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